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Personal information
First name/Surname Hana ...
Titles Mgr, Dr.rer.nat (equiv. PhD)
Nationality Slovak
Date of birth 21. February 1984
Education and training
Dates October 2007 - April 2012
Title of qualification awarded Doctor of Philosophy
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Universität Wien
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien (Austria)
Specialization Supersymmetry
Dates October 2007 - May 2009
Name and type of organisation providing education and training HEPTOOLS - Marie Curie Research Training Network
Dates September 2002 - June 2007
Title of qualification awarded Master of Science
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komeského v Bratislave
Mlynská dolina, 842 48 Bratislava (Slovakia)
Specialization Theoretical and mathematical physics
Awards Academic commendation for excellent fulfilment of student responsibilities during the whole studies at the university
Dates 1997 - 2002
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Gymnázium Jána Hollého v Trnave
Hollého 9, 917 26 Trnava (Slovakia)
Work experience
Dates 1. February 2012 - October 2015
Occupation or position held C++ Developer
Name and address of employer CN group
Zelezniciarska 13, 811 04 Bratislava
Dates 1. October 2007 - 30. March 2010
1. July 2010 - 30. April 2011
Occupation or position held PhD student
Main activities and responsibilities Calculations in the field of elementary particle physics
Name and address of employer Institut für Hochenergiephysik
Nikolsdorfer Gasse 18, 1050 Wien (Austria)
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue Slovak
Other language(s) English - advanced
German - beginner
Computer skills and competences HTML, CSS, Mathematica, Fortran - advanced
PHP, MySQL, C, C++, C# - intermediate
Javascript - beginner
Driving licence Category B, B1
Additional informations
Publications SFOLD - a program package for calculating two-body sfermion decays at full one-loop level in the MSSM
H. Hlucha, H. Eberl, W. Frisch
Comp. Phys. Comm. Volume 183, Issue 10, Pages 2307-2312
arXiv: 1104.2151

HFOLD - a program package for calculating two-body MSSM Higgs decays at full one-loop level
W. Frisch, H. Eberl, H. Hlucha
Comp. Phys. Comm. Volume 182, Issue 10, Pages 2219-2226
arXiv: 1012.5025

Decay widths of all MSSM scalar particles at full one-loop level
H. Eberl, W. Frisch, H. Hlucha
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 205-206 (2010) 277
downloadable from http://www.hephy.at
Presentations Two-body sfermion decays at full one-loop level within the MSSM
11.04.2012 at University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
download: diss_obhajoba.pptx

Precision calculations in the MSSM: H+ decay to t bbar
11.03.2009 at HEPTOOLS Midterm Meeting - Second Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
download: Heptools-presentation.pdf

Passarino-Veltmann integrals and tensor reduction
16.09.2008 at High Energy Physics Summer School, Svit, Slovakia
download: Svit-lecture.pdf

23.04.2008 at UniWien, Vienna, Austria
download: prezentacia-MSSM_higgs.pdf

QCD corrections to the neutralino decay to an antisbottom and a bottom quark within MSSM
11.12.2007 at UniWien, Vienna, Austria
download: prezentacia_diplomka.pdf
PhD thesis Thesis with W. Majerotto, title: Two-body sfermion decays at full one-loop level within the MSSM, Univ. Vienna, 2012
download: PhDthesis_14.4.12.pdf
Master thesis Thesis with K. Kovarik, title: QCD corrections to the neutralino decay to an antisbottom and a bottom quark within MSSM, Univ. Bratislava, 2007
download: diplom_Hlucha_H.pdf